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I noticed some of the images on my site are missing since I migrated everything from my old host. My apologies, I'm working on getting that fixed soon!

My Doodles on Flickr
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When you think DOODLES, think BLUE67DESIGN!

Hi folks! I'm so glad you've stumbled upon my little spot here on the web! My name is Jess Volinski and I'm a professional illustrator. Besides creating commissioned illustrations, I also sell royalty-free vector images on most major microstock agencies under the name blue67design. I'm known for my iconic "doodle" styles- Henna Doodles, Sketchy Doodles, and Notebook Doodles, as well as an array of seamless repeat patterns. I even wrote a pretty well-known and often linked to tutorial on creating repeat patterns for Digital Arts magazine a few years ago.

As a freelancer I've worked with clients across the world including American Greetings, Georgia Pacific, Advanced Photoshop Magazine, Adobe and many others. And you may even recognize my work! Not only have I sold thousands of royalty-free images but recently I worked with the talented folks at CBS who brought my Psychedelic Notebook Doodles to life for their Fall 2011 Comedy Promo commercials that aired across the US. Check it out!

CBS Monday Comedy Launch from Matthew Hernandez on Vimeo.

I discovered vector microstock in 2007 and I have to admit at first I was hesitant to get involved. My first thought- like a lot of other artists I'm sure- was that microstock could hurt my commissioned illustration business. But I quickly realized how huge of an opportunity microstock was to get in touch with a truly worldwide audience for my images. So I got some vectors together, submitted to a few agencies, and I haven't looked back since. And much to my delight my microstock work continues to help- not hurt- my traditional illustration business by bringing in new commission illustration clients all the time!

This site,, is my doodle illustration home base. Use the navigation on the left to explore my RF illustration with links to where you can buy my images. You can always get back to the other areas of my site by clicking the link to the right that says Commissioned Illustration Home. There you can see my commissioned and licensing illustration porfolios.

Got a project you'd like to work on together? Let's talk!

Please use my Contact Page to email me. I work on projects big and small so don't hesitate to get in touch!

Please note: I'd love to say YES! to everything that comes my way but my schedule does fill up quickly. When contacting me please include as much info as possible including what style(s) have caught your eye from my portfolio, project details, deadlines, production specs, etc so I can see if it fits in my schedule and send you an accurate quote.