I've got something truly AWESOME in the works. I can't say much now but unless you live completely disconnected from pop culture I'm pretty confident your eyes will see this project. By far the best "you've-got-the-job" call I've ever received. I absolutely love enjoying the process of everything I do but this is one time I wish I could just fast forward time and see the final product. (How useful would that be when sitting there in front of that crisp white paper / blank canvas / white artboard?)
Oh yes, and lots more samples to share. The pile just grows. My schedule has been crazy so blog updates have (sadly) taken a back seat. Opened my (real-life) mailbox the other day and found a lovely package from my friends at Camden Greetings with two more cards I did a while back. If I don't post pictures this stuff might as well not exisit but I swear it does. More to come....soon!